2020 Review
Itancia remains strong in 2020 and pursues its investments in 2021 in order to prepare the future
Itancia, the eco-friendly distributor and service provider, a specialist in corporate communication and collaboration solutions in Europe and Africa, continued its two-figure growth in 2020 and is preparing great things for 2021.
2020: Adapt to face up the crisis and prepare the futur
Business continuity and new tailored offers

Recognised as a “company with an essential activity” in March 2020, Itancia was able to maintain and consolidate its business among its partners to provide them with daily support for each customer project. To adapt to the new needs and uses of end customers, the group redesigned its offers and its services.
With the deployment of a stock optimisation strategy, new logistics solutions (delivery of equipment to the homes of end customers’ employees working remotely), and thanks to the investment of the teams working in the field and via teleworking, the group was able to offer unique solutions adapted to all needs.
All these actions helped Itancia to maintain its orders and facilitate operations. The French group dispatched more than 2 million products in 2020.
“During the COVID-19 crisis, we had to urgently reorganise ourselves to set up telephony solutions for remote working and equip our staff at home with headsets. […] Thanks to the stock of 15,000 micro-headsets hosted by Itancia at its production site, we were able to equip employees very quickly. It is important to note Itancia’s ability to adapt and, despite major difficulties in the field, it managed to deliver headsets to thousands of different addresses.” explains Catherine LOMAZZI, Telephony Product Manager at Orange.
Itancia’s logistics and storage solutions allowed it to supply its priority customers (such as hospitals) which urgently needed to communicate and collaborate during the crisis.
The adaptation of in-house working tools to meet customer’s needs
Itancia equipped more than 200 of its employees in 3 days so that it could continue to support its partners in each project via teleworking. A tailored customer service was set up to help businesses that were counting on the teams to keep on working in the best possible conditions.
A rising turnover of €200 million

Since its creation in 1991, the group has enjoyed good growth with a turnover that has risen constantly and regularly. Thirty years on, Itancia’s capacity to listen to its customers to adapt its strategies and offer them a quality service in a complex economic context, allows it to pursue its dynamic with a turnover of €200 million in 2020, and 40% growth in just 3 years.
“In 2020, Itancia also strengthened its position thanks to an external growth strategy and the acquisition of several stakeholders: Aviquipo (distributor of technological offers), STVS (home repair of electronics) and STR (software and professional cybersecurity solutions). These operations allowed us to extend our portfolio of offers and were carried out in line with our ambition to become a leading player in Europe and Africa. Despite uncertainty, relating to the health crisis that still weighs heavily in 2021, we are continuing with our investments in order to meet technological and ecological challenges.” declares Thierry LE GOFF, Chief Executive Officer of Itancia.
2021: Human, ecological & technological investments
More than 500 employees
In 2020, Itancia played its cards right, proving its value and reliability among its historic partners. The group set up a new recruitment policy and hired 50 new employees during the year despite the context. It is planning for the arrival of a further 85 employees in 2021 in the procurement, sales, computing, technical and sales administration services to support business.
“The pursuit of our business in 2020 has been beneficial and has enabled the recruitment of new employees. 2021 will be a year with a wealth of projects and will be a source of development for Itancia. We are going to carry on with our investments in order to prepare the future and continue our ascent.” adds Thierry LE GOFF.
Preserving and strengthening its CSR policy

Since its creation in 2011, the Itancia endowment fund has supported more than 106 environmental protection projects for the sum of €1,854,890. In 2020, the fund accompanied and supported 8 new structures: Trivial compost, Recycl’occitanie, HISA, LPO Touraine, Nature en jeux, CPIE Anjou, Graines de Noé, Trésor de nature.
In 2021, the Itancia endowment fund already plans to fund the protection of butterflies in the Sainte-Baume massif. Funding for 7 other projects is currently being studied, as well as the creation of a wildlife treatment centre at the Escarelle wine estate in the heart of Provence.
Itancia installed 12 bee hives in 2017 at the company’s site in La Jubaudière, Maine et Loire. The honey harvest was very good last year with more than 80kg, namely 665 jars, distributed among the company’s employees. Apart from the pleasure of tasting it, this operation helps to save bees and pollinate flowers.
As a committed group, Itancia produced 174 Mwh of green electricity in 2020 thanks to the installation of 3 new solar shades and 2 photovoltaic plants at its site. Also, with a pool of professional vehicles comprising 30% hybrid vehicles and 70% electric vehicles, the company makes the reduction of its environmental impact a point of honour.
Thierry LE GOFF, Itancia CEOLoyal to our values of proximity and CSR commitment, we continue to develop new customer offers with an ecological and service-oriented mission. Furthermore, we are going to see the fruit of our digital transformation project, the innovations of which will be arriving this year!
Founded in France in 1991, Itancia is the eco-friendly distributor and service provider specialising in corporate communications, collaboration and network infrastructure solutions in Europe and Africa. The Itancia group in figures: 40% growth over the last 3 years, a turnover of €200 million in 2020 and an international presence via 450 employees across 9 subsidiaries. The Itancia teams accompany their customers through each of the project’s key steps: before, during, and after the deployment of the solutions. With over 5,000 resellers, the Itancia group’s activity encompasses 3 activities:
1. The distribution of unique technological solutions based as closely as possible on the needs and constraints of each customer, with more than 60 brands referenced, leaders in their markets.
2. The creation of ecological solutions to control and renew the lifecycle of products.
3. Customer support and the provision of added value services focused on technical, intellectual, logistical and industrial know-how.
Itancia is certified: ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001, RSE ISO 26000, ISO 50001, Ecovadis 2019.
Find out more at www.itancia.com
Press Contacts
Citron Plume Agency: Samuel Cance – samuel.cance@citronplume.fr – 07 84 41 22 30
Citron Plume Agency: Caroline Dijon – caroline.dijon@citronplume.fr – 07 88 70 90 93